(Video) Obama Blocked a BAIPA Bill in the Illinois State Senate – 4 times!!! How Will YOU Vote on Nov. 4th??

You Tube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suTvLe7kYDE

Senator Barack Obama voted to block a BAIPA bill – Born Alive Infant Protection Act – in the Illinois Senate… 4 times. Is this the kind of man we want sitting in the Oval Office? Or do we want someone sitting there who will affirm life? You decide this Nov. 4th… with your vote. Don’t stay home and essentially vote present… cast an early ballot, or go to the polling place on election day.

Please repost this video on your personal blogs, and send it to your friends and family via email. Be sure to go to the You Tube page and rate it and feel free to leave a comment…

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.” Prov 31:8 NIV


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A Little Political History – Dismantling the Slave Trade in America – Great Black Patriots – Wallbuilders

(Posted by Administrator)

Peter after his recovery from a severe whipping. April 2, 1863, photo from National Archives and Records Administration

Peter, who was whipped by an overseer, took two months to recover from his wounds. The overseer was subsequently fired. (April 2, 1863 – photo from National Archives and Records Administration)

Were the Founding Fathers racist? What about the 3/5ths clause? Did the Constitution promote slavery or did it work against slavery? How did the two present-day major political parties form and why? What was the position of the political parties regarding slavery and whether it should remain an institution supported by the government? What happened between Sumner and Brooks on the Senate floor while Sumner was pointing the finger at the slave owners in the Senate (all democrats)? Who were the first blacks in congress and what party did they join?

Hear David Barton from Wallbuilders explain how each of the major political parties were formed, the history behind many aspects of the Constitution, with information including the infamous Dred Scott decision and how it affected anti-slavery efforts and promoted further discrimination, and the systematic political dismantling of the slave trade by Republicans (yes, Republicans.) – Historically accurate information that many people never learn in American public schools.

THESE ARE THE FULL LENGTH VIDEOS by Wallbuilders – Not you tube clips! Each video is approximately 1 hour in length. Lucky you…



Check out the Wallbuilders African-American history store page for great gifts or historical examinations of this much misunderstood part of this nation’s history, such as the book
Setting the Record Straight – American History in Black and White

and it’s 2 & 1/2 hour companion DVD, a great resource for anybody’s educational and DVD library.


Be sure to visit the Reformed Faith Weblog Home Page for devotionals, news and commentary.
