Oh, No, Yoko! Your Lawsuit Has Been “Expelled”…

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed film NEWS

News Watch
“Imagine” She’s Ticked: Yoko Ono Loses NY Lawsuit

New York Lawyer
June, 2008

NEW YORK (AP) – Yoko Ono has lost her Manhattan legal battle to block the use of John Lennon’s song “Imagine” in a film challenging the theory of evolution.

Lennon’s widow had sued the makers of “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” saying they used parts of the song without her permission.

In a decision Monday, federal Judge Sidney Stein says the filmmakers are protected under the “fair use” doctrine. That permits small parts of a copyrighted work to be used without an author’s permission under certain circumstances.

The movie opened on U.S. screens in April; it’s set for release in Canada on Friday and on DVD in October.

It presents a sympathetic view of intelligent design, the theory that the universe is too complex to be explained by evolution alone.

Ono’s attorney did not immediately return a call for comment.

The Great and Powerful Evolutionists – Expelled, The Movie.

By The Reformed Faith Weblog Administrator

While many detractors believe this movie is an attempt to prove Intelligent Design, in reality it is mainly about academic freedom and the monopoly that humanist/evolutionist philosophers have had for so many years and will do anything to maintain. I mean, if you were getting (all the billions of dollars in) scientific grant money given out every year to research facilities and that money was gotten with the assumption you must continue maintaining that Darwinian Evolution is the only way life could have “evolved” on earth (or else look like a theorist – GASP! The Horror!), wouldn’t you defend your job, even if it meant lying or trying to “scientifically discredit” a film that threatened your monopoly before the film was ever even released into the theater?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last few years… (how long has it been since they’ve “proven beyond a shadow of a doubt” that Richard Dawkins uncle was actually a monkey?)… the state of our culture is reflective of the humanistic belief that morals are an invention of man, and not instituted by a sovereign and almighty God… and so everyone does what is right in their own eyes.

Ben Stein obviously is a firm believer that our schools system should be teaching children HOW to think instead of WHAT to think. In Expelled, Ben simply pulls back the curtain to show the world that the wizard is simply a desperate old codger who stands to lose the satisfaction of having a fearful and trembling public stand in awe of him – the public that he has been duping for so many years as he shouts imperiously, “I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!”

I submit that the “first cause” of the demise of the evolutionary monopoly is… this great and powerful film. Way to go, Ben!

Related articles and links of interest:

Expelled The Movie Comes Out Friday, April 18th, 2008!

Expelled, The Playground – View Trailers and other fascinating phenomena.

R.C. Sproul Interviews Ben Stein

‘Expelled’ Producers Deny Deceiving Scientists to Appear in Film

Expell Those Myths About “Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed”

Before it has even been released into theaters, gossip and myths abound about the new (and soon to be blockbuster) film Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed. This is understandable, since it truly takes on the monopolistic and unyieldingly closed-minded Darwinian evolutionist camp to task, exposing their true agenda… saving their own hind parts.

One of my previous posts, Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed – Supertrailer, received a couple of comments from someone posing (I think) as an expert on the subject. These guys must be really SCOURING the internet to try and refute the films findings and make people lose interest in the film before the fact, but they appear to use very few of those… facts, I mean. The furor within this scientific sect and the hostility they have shown toward this film is just one more incident in a long list of incidents surrounding their attempt to protect their status quo… It only exposes and magnifies their desperation in my humble estimation.

Check out this excerpt from a recent article from Breakpoint, Chuck Colson’s web ministry.

Myths about Expelled
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear
By Chuck Colson
April 11, 2008

If you have heard of the new documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, opening April 18, chances are you have heard all kinds of distortions and myths about it. So let me set the record straight about some of the most common myths.

Myth #1: Darwinists interviewed for this film were tricked into participating.

Not so…

Feel free to go over there and read the rest of the article and be sure to check out the references and their links at the bottom of the article yourself. Go ahead… I’ll wait.

Other Reformed Faith Posts of Note on this subject:
Atheism’s Aggressive Political Agenda
The Threat of Creation

Dawkins Crashes Screening of “Expelled”… Eyewitness report!

In an interesting turn of events, Richard Dawkins was reportedly a screening-crasher at a recent screening of Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed. You can read the post here: Dawkins Crashes Screening of “Expelled”… Eyewitness report!

So, is it really true that every party needs a pooper?

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed – Supertrailer

No Intelligence Allowed - SupertrailerThe always irrepressible Ben Stein takes on the scientific super-establishment in the soon-to-be-released documentary style movie slated to release in theaters – ironically at the end of the school year.

The firmly ensconced ruling philosophy of humanism (disguised as “science”) has, until now, been like an imposing, impenetrable wall. Launch any weapon at it, and the weapon would fall, useless and clattering before the formidable structure.

And then along comes Ben Stein.

With his usual rapier wit, Mr. Stein peels away the layers of power to reveal that what lies below is not a reasoned, scientific body of intellectual scientists, but rather a bunch of philosophers posing as such. Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed deftly exposes the true agenda of the anti-achademic-freedom camp that direct “science education” from on high.

You can watch the supertrailer here:
“Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed”

Atheism’s Aggressive Political Agenda (Related Article)

Be sure to visit the Reformed Faith Weblog Home Page for devotionals, news and commentary.

Response to Sam Harris – An Article From The Most Dangerous Man in the World.

By Jay Mathews, Nashville, TN

“How do we respond to the attacks of the ‘new atheists’ like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris?”

Here is a response to Sam Harris’ article in last year’s Newsweek:

I Am the Most Dangerous Man in the World?

In the Nov 13, 2006 edition of Newsweek Magazine, renowned atheist, Sam Harris unleashed his heartfelt beliefs about people of faith…. we pose a “tremendous danger.”

The basic points of Harris’ arguments include (1) science has forever debunked faith, (2) Christians’ belief in the end of the world give them “no incentive to build a sustainable civilization,” (3) religion elevates morality over human and animal suffering, and (5) because of fanatical belief, religion is the most dangerous institution in the world. While I may be wasting time and ink writing a rebuttal to Mr. Harris, I can’t resist using my newly declared notorious state to ease the fear of all the atheists and agnostics within my reach.

I do want to make it clear that to treat all faiths as equal is the most improper presupposition of our post-modern carnage. All religions are not the same. They have different systems and practices. I do believe that jihadist Islam poses a violent danger to our world today. All religions have the possibility of perpetrating great oppression and harm. One has to look no farther than the Crusades to see the destruction that misguided human beings can cause in the name of religious belief.

But even in the case of the Crusades, there are fundamental differences in belief. The Crusades demonstrate followers of Islam doing what their faith requires them to do and followers of Christ ignoring what their Savior requires them to do. The Crusades represent Islam at its best and Christianity at its worst.

To lump all religions together for the purpose of generalizing criticism of faith makes as much sense as criticizing all people of non-faith by looking at the actions of Joseph Stalin.

I am a teacher and coach at a Christian School in the United States of America. I love my wife and three children. We read the Bible, pray, worship in a local congregation. We live about as simple a life as one can live in the 21st century. We give to missions and desire to tell others what the Lord has done for us. May I use this simple and dangerous position to counter a few of Mr. Harris’ assertions?

One, science has not eliminated Christian belief or doctrine. It is proper to say that the relationship between Christianity and Science is not without controversy. There has often been strenuous debate between the Church and scientists, who often held the same beliefs. As a believer in Christ and the Bible in 2007, I can say that we live in advantageous times because of the light of science and the truth of Scripture. Both are helpful when they are properly placed according to their use. Science is limited concerning many matters of life and faith.

Today, there is a scientific jihad as non-faith scientists try to use reason to trump faith. They use superiority of educational pedigree to intimidate the public. The average person today does not understand, for example, that traditional Darwinian evolution is no longer acceptable as an explanation for the origin of life as we know it. When scientists say, ‘Evolution is a fact” they are not honestly representing the actual assertion of that quote.

There is ample scientific data that supports ‘microevolution’ and many natural history museums have altars to that truth. Microevolution is the accepted and provable truth that certain species have changed through slight, successive adaptations based on the ability to survive the environmental challenges to their survival.

The problem with this scientific mantra is that it is the end of the statement of fact and the beginning of the propagation of the myth. In the study of evolution, there is no observable data to support ‘macroevolution” or the ability for these adaptations to change into new species. M.I.T. physicist Geoffrey Schroeder correctly points out his analysis of the impressive display and tribute to evolution that is found in the Natural History Museum in London. “It is all impressive. Impressive, until you are able to walk out and reflect upon that which they are able to document. Daisies remained daisies, moths remained moths, and cichlid fish remained cichlid fish. (The Science of God pg. 31).

When non-faith adherents attack intelligent design and other theories about the origin of the species as “faith” and their acceptance of evolution as “science” they are pulling a slight of hand. All debates about the origin of life are debates of faith and not observable by true science.

As a Christian, I see little controversy about what science has discovered and what the Bible teaches. I believe in the existence of God and the creation of life. I believe God has given science as a wonderful gift to uncover His grand design. Science does not discredit the Bible at all. If anything, it helps the Bible make more sense. My better understanding of the natural does not negate my belief in the supernatural. When science stays within its proper boundaries, it strengthens our wonder about the majesty of the Designer!

The second incorrect assumption asserted by Harris is that Christians have no vested interest in preserving civilization. I will admit that we often stumble in our mandates from the Creator, but Mr. Harris does not understand Biblical teaching on our responsibilities to our bodies, our nations, and our planet. God has instructed His followers to be good stewards of all with which they have been entrusted. C.S. Lewis correctly pointed out “If you read history you will find that Christians who did most for this present world were those who thought most of the next.” (Mere Christianity 134) A recent book suggests that current data demonstrates that Christians give more and do more than their non-faith counter parts. How many “Atheist Homes for the Poor or Orphans” exist in the world today? To assert that Christians have no vested interest in this present age because of the hope of Jesus’ return makes as much sense as a student wanting to destroy his undergraduate resume because of an eagerness to succeed in graduate school.

Christians are re-discovering our need to serve the poor and help the weak. History shows the church to often be slow in addressing human misery, but Christians are found in every hard circumstance loving. serving, and persevering. People of non-faith, if true to their world-view, should turn to destroy the weak as an act of nature’s law of survival of the fittest.

Harris’ weakest argument is his assertion that Christian’s obsession with right or wrong leads to unnecessary human or animal suffering. It is also the atheist’s weakest position. If there is no God, what is justice? What is love? Why is goodness even a pursuit? Why be unselfish? Why have any values at all?

The belief in right and wrong is what holds the world together. Even though we debate what is right and wrong, our belief in right and wrong is universal and necessary. The fact that values sometimes rule over human comfort is actually a comfort in and of itself. Values restrain our harmful human impulses. Restraint produces order.

As a Christian, I do value “life” as a gift from God and this belief requires me to hold life as sacred. I do believe God has clearly communicated his desires for love, service, truth telling, and unselfishness. The more we hold to these values, the better life is. Test tube ethics will always default to heartless pragmatism. In a world without values, the atheist’s utopia would be the horrible display of death and oppression that would make Joseph Stalin look like a saint.

Is the Christian Church “dangerous?” Christianity has done more to promote love and humility than any other movement in history. If you remove Christian work and influence, how many hospitals, homeless shelters, orphanages, educational institutions, good laws, powerful leaders, and beautiful artists would never have had the positive influence and redemptive power that the world has enjoyed?

The bottom line is that our greatest danger is that we ever lose the life and faith of Jesus in our society. The cultural landscape grows darker and colder as we stab at the Creator and deny His right for our adoration. The time for repentance is now.

True Colors… The Blatant Arrogance of Eugenics

What do Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, and James Watson, co-discoverer of DNA’s double helix, have in common? They both are believers in eugenics.

I’m sure there were many shocked gasps as the story unfolded about the very famous Nobel Prize-winning scientist, James Watson (who was the co-discoverer of DNA’s Double Helix) making the statement that he believes Africans and Europeans have different levels of intelligence. No really. He did make that statement.

Watson was quoted in the London Sunday Times as saying that he did not hold out much hope for Africa, because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing says not really.”

“This is not the first time Watson’s speaking engagements have caused a stir.” The article goes on to say that “The Independent catalogued a series of controversial statements from Watson, including one in which he reportedly suggested women should have the right to have abortions if tests could determine their children would be homosexual.”

Oh really? I guess he’s counting on finding a homosexual gene for that…

Again, Watson was speaking at the University of California, Berkeley, when he postulated about a possible link between the amount of melanin in skin and a person’s sex drive.

“That’s why you have Latin lovers,” he said, according to some attendees of the lecture. “You’ve never heard of an English lover. Only an English patient.”

What must people think about these types of prejudiced statements by such a supposedly enlightened evolutionary scientist? How can someone who allegedly is so well educated hold such antiquated views about people from ethnic backgrounds different from his?

Let me put forward I believe some of the fault lies with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. The book’s original title was, “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”

The Preservation of favoured races… I would have to assume that “favored races” means for all species, including man. This is an underlying theme for Darwin’s theory. Consider the time period the theory was written in. Whites and blacks were not considered equals in any sense of the word. I’m pretty sure that almost all people in that day thought that way, save a few very passionate abolitionists, both Christian and non-Christian. It was, after all, 1859. But Darwin, with all his “progressive scientific” ideas, was more popular than one would have thought, even in such conservative times.

Things have changed, haven’t they? Maybe not so much. Liberal social groups sometimes use derrogatory statements or photos to get their point across without regard of their appropriateness or their racially inflammatory inferences. For example, below is a photo displayed at a recent “peace” rally:

Sign at a Peace Rally

If a conservative group had displayed a similar sign with a black democratic leader compared to a simian, chances are it would have made headlines worldwide, and debated for weeks on mainstream media outlets, with angry black leaders screaming for an apology (and rightly so!). But this derrogatory, blatantly racist poster was not only displayed in the “peace” rally, it went no further because it suited their liberal agenda and it’s purposes at the time. In other words, the mainstream media ignored it.

Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was another big fan of Darwin’s theory and the theories that sprang from the philosophies of Darwin’s disciples. Havelock Ellis was one of Margaret’s many lovers, and he was also a protege’ of Francis Galton, Darwin’s cousin and the man who systemized eugenic philosophy.

Dr. George Grant, in his shocking 1995 expose’ of the Margaret Sanger the public really doesn’t know titled Killer Angel, says, “…it was not simply politics or sentiment that drew Margaret into the eugenic fold. She was thoroughly convinced that the ‘inferior races’ were in fact ‘human weeds’ and a ‘menace to civilization.’

Dr. Grant goes on to assert, “Her greatest aspiration was ‘to create a race of thoroughbreds’ by encouraging ‘more children from the fit, and less from the unfit.’ And the only way to achieve that dystopic goal, she realized, was through the harsh and coercive tyranny of Malthusian Eugenics.”

Page exerpt from Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review

Once Margaret gained a semblence of stature in Eugenics and socialist circles, she made good use of some of the most hated and powerful figures in history. One of Margaret’s close friends and advisors had also been an advisor to an infamous tyrant murderer named Hitler. Ernst Rudin, who was Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization, wrote an article which Margaret happily published in 1933 titled “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need”.

Margaret Sanger held deep resentments toward those she considered “weeds”, and those resentments were fueled into a hatred which spurred her to begin a whole new movement to cleanse society of those she considered inferior. The Birth Control Review which she edited and her organization, the Birth Control League, was the predecessor for today’s abortion mills run by Planned Parenthood.

Approximately 94% of Planned Parenthood’s abortuaries are located in poor, urban areas predominately populated by blacks. Since 1973, a full 13 MILLION blacks have been aborted, with a remaining population of about 31 million… this is about the equivilant of one out of every four black children being killed. (http://www.blackgenocide.org/black.html)

Abortion advocates decry attempts to connect much of Sanger’s philosophy with their present goals as an organization. However, recent statements by Planned Parenthood claim to be proud of it’s history and the heritage that Margaret Sanger left for them. Faye Wattleton, one of Planned Parenthoods past presidents, said,

“As we celebrate the 100th birthday of Margaret Sanger, our courageous leader, we should be very proud of what we are and what our mission is. It is a very grand mission; abortion is only the tip of the iceberg.” Faye Wattleton, president Planned Parenthood Federation of America, speech, February 5, 1979.

It makes me wonder what the rest of the iceberg looks like.

Is this the pervasive opinions of evolutionist believers? Probably not across the board. However, the theory of evolution cannot avoid the implications of their theory on society and societies moral choices. Do other organizations also have such inauspicious beginnings? Are there ulterior motives for other types of scientific studies or organizational ethics?

Watson’s comments were not necessarily only a product of his belief in Evolution, but also of the more sinister philosophy of eugenics. Eugenics is the marriage of certain scientific opinions and how they effect some people’s views regarding the inherent value of other human beings. It also gave some people the idea that humans can be genetically perfected, which in kind meant that in order to achieve human perfection, sub-standards would need to be eliminated. Many times, Watson indicated he would like to see certain types of people “genetically eliminated”, such as fat people, stupid people, etc. This would be assuming that genetic markers could be found for each of these “genetic maladies.” It is the basis for a pseudo-science called transhumanism, whereas humans can be engineered for certain genetic strengths. Watson wanted to use genetic markers to eliminate those he deemed inferior. He has been quoted as saying he believed in selective abortion for women who were pregnant with those who would be predisposed to homosexuality, assuming again that a genetic marker for this “abnormality” could be discovered through genetic testing. Other incidences involving Watson indicated a prejudice against people effected by autism and other mental disorders. Apparently he thinks people like himself with their gangly feet stuck in their big mouths are perfectly fine.

It is essential to know our history. All of it. We can’t rely only on what is written in school text books for a full understanding of our past, since more often than not there are political and social agendas that tend to help rewrite history. Not everything is as it seems… everybody has their skeletons. And everybody has their true colors. Just watch closely enough and long enough and eventually they will come out.

The Bible puts all humans on a level playing field. It says that God created man in His own image. The New Testament indicates that in Christ, all are equal and gives equal dignity to both free and slave, male and female, etc. “All are one in Christ Jesus.” Christianity assumes that all human beings are designed for dignity. This is why pro-life organizations are predominately Christian. Many Christians were very active in the Abolitionist movements of earlier centuries, such as William Wilburforce.

“Africa! Africa! Your sufferings have been the theme that has arrested and engages my
heart—your sufferings no tongue can express; no language impart.” William Wilburforce In his 1792 motion for the abolition of the slave trade.

“I confess to you so enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did its wickedness appear,
that my own mind was completely made up for the abolition.” William Wilburforce Speech on abolition of slave trade on May 12, 1789.

Apparently, Wilburforce had a much better hope for Africa then than Watson does now.

For more info, check out these sites:

A site for the history of the American Eugenics Movement:

and an active eugenics site promoting these ideas:

The Godless would deny and destroy human rights …. the liberties of a nation cannot be secure when belief in God is abandoned.

U.S. Senate Chaplain Richard Halverson

Going, Going, Gone…

I cannot for the life of me remember where I found this, but I just had to share…


My best dream come true.

The Threat of Creation

Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed!

There has been a concerted effort on the part of the atheistic community to not only stifle but to villify people of faith, particularly people who are in the scientific community who hold a faith in God, or in any higher power, and who attribute findings in their field to an intelligent designer.

As Chuck Colson observed in one of his recent articles, (see article prior to this entry) it is not so much atheists anymore, but more and more it is ANTI-theists… these are the ones who would love all religion to be thrown out of the public forum. To them, the biggest threat to their agenda are Christians, especially professionals and influential advocates of any worldview other than their own.

So much for freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Isn’t that sort of what the Communists did in Russia? Boy, living like that sure would be a treat. Don’t we all just love to be told what to do and what to think. Or else.

In February of 2008, a documentary style film titled “Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed” will be released into theaters. Starring Ben Stein, it’s goal is to expose the monopolistic Evolutionist camp and it’s intimidation of scientists who do not hold the same opinions or worldviews as they do. I highly recommend it to anyone who believes in freedom of thought and academic freedom.

(For trailer go to http://www.expelledthemovie.com/ – but read this first!)

Now, I’m not saying throw the anti-theist Evo’s out on their ears, much as I think they deserve it, but I do believe institutions of higher learning should stop telling students WHAT to think and begin teaching them HOW to think for themselves. This will not happen if large bodies of vital scientific work are ignored due to philosophical differences.

On that note, I will post this blog entry from Dr. George Grant, founder and president of the Kings Meadow Study Center… (one of the most humorous smart people I know.)

The Threat Of Creation

By Dr. George Grant
(From his blog Grantian Florilegium on Friday, October 12th, 2007…Reposted with permission from author)

A resolution adopted by Europe’s top human rights body last week declared that the idea of “Creationism” is a potential “threat to human rights.”

On October 4, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted 48 to 25 in support of the resolution entitled the dangers of creationism in education in which the legislative body urged its 47 constituent governments to “firmly oppose” the teaching of Creationism, arguing that such beliefs are “promoted by forms of religious extremism” seeking to “to impose religious dogma “ at the expense of children’s “education. “

“For some people the Creation, as a matter of religious belief, gives a meaning to life,” stated the report. “Nevertheless, the Parliamentary Assembly is worried about the possible ill-effects of the spread of Creationist ideas within our education systems and about the consequences for our democracies. If we are not careful, Creationism could become a threat to human rights which are a key concern of the Council of Europe.”

The report, which had been moderated significantly since it was first introduced a few months ago by those great champions of freedom and integrity around the world, the French Socialists, also charged Creationists with denying the validity of modern science. Indeed, “the total rejection of science,” the revolutionary do-gooders said, “is one of the most serious threats to human rights and civic rights.” It then added that those threats came as Creationists sought to “replace democracy by theocracy.”

Of course, the European legislators did not offer any evidence whatsoever for their brazen assertions—these brave new heroes of a brave new liberty, equality, and fraternity apparently just assume that any questioning of presuppositional and dogmatic Darwinism necessitates a wild-eyed totalitarianism that has only ever existed historically in their own fevered-dreams (and in their own modernist revolutionary governments). Such lawmakers rarely allow the dumb certainties of experience to deter them from blindly pursuing their ribald ideological agendas.

As Dinesh D’Souza has argued, “This is not a time for Christians to turn the other cheek. Rather, it is a time to drive the money-changers out of the temple. The atheists and radicals no longer want to be tolerated. They want to monopolize the public square and to expel Christians from it. They want political questions like abortion to be divorced from religious and moral claims. They want to control the school curricula, so that they can promote a secular ideology and undermine Christianity. They want to discredit the factual claims of religion, and they want to convince the rest of society that Christianity is not only mistaken but also evil. They blame religion for the crimes of history and for the ongoing conflicts in the world today. In short, they want to make religion–and especially the Christian religion–disappear from the face of the earth.“

Dr. Grant’s Blog: Grantian Floriegium