Homosexuality is Not a Civil Right by Peter Sprigg

Early in 2004, San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom began giving out marriage licenses—illegally—to same-sex couples. One of the homosexuals who traveled to San Francisco in search of a marriage license explained his rationale succinctly: “I am tired of sitting at the back of the bus.”1

The allusion, of course, was to the famous story of Rosa Parks. Parks is the African-American woman who, one day in 1955, boarded a racially segregated city bus in Montgomery, Alabama, sat down near the front, and refused the driver’s order to “move to the back of the bus.” Parks’ act of civil disobedience violated one of the “Jim Crow” laws that enforced racial segregation in various public services and accommodations in some states.

Parks’ arrest for her courageous defiance sparked the Montgomery bus boycott, led by a young minister named Martin Luther King, Jr., which is generally viewed as the beginning of the great civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. It culminated legislatively in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, banning racial discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

The stories of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. have become an inspiring part of American history. It’s not surprising that homosexual activists have tried to hitch their caboose to the “civil rights” train. They do this in the context of efforts to change the definition of marriage in order to allow same sex “marriages” (by comparing same-sex “marriage” to interracial marriage) and efforts to pass “hate crime” laws (which stigmatize opposition to homosexual behavior as a form of “hate” comparable to racism). The arguments in this essay are relevant to those debates, but focus particularly on laws that would ban employment “discrimination” on the basis of “sexual orientation” (such as the federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which is regularly introduced each Congress).

This essay is not a legal treatise, but an exploration of the philosophical justification for including various characteristics as categories of protection under historic civil rights laws—and why “sexual orientation” simply does not compare with them.

Defining Terms: What Are “Civil Rights,” Anyway? …

Read the rest of the article here:
“Homosexuality is Not a Civil Right” by Peter Sprigg, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council

The Day After the Elections – A Biblical Perspective

The cultural shift toward Darwinian humanism was displayed in its fullest form yet in the elections of 2008 in the US. Here is one theologian’s perspective that I HOPE will be the normal reaction from professing Christians to this year’s presidential election.

Since you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ, in God. Colossians 3:1-3

Discerning Ideologies in Political Positions – Reagan and “Spreading the Wealth”

How do you tell the difference between Democratic and Republican principles and those of the socialist and communist caste? What’s the difference between a private organization giving grants to individuals or other organizations and the government doing it? What is the role of government in people’s lives? Who are the government servants suppose to serve – themselves or the people?

This video is a brief but outstanding examination of the current competing ideologies at war for the right of entrance into the White House. Take some time to educate yourself on them. Compare them to your Constitution… how do they measure up?

“MAN IS NOT FREE UNLESS GOVERNMENT IS LIMITED.” Ronald Reagan in his farewell address to the nation.

Oh, No, Yoko! Your Lawsuit Has Been “Expelled”…

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed film NEWS

News Watch
“Imagine” She’s Ticked: Yoko Ono Loses NY Lawsuit

New York Lawyer
June, 2008

NEW YORK (AP) – Yoko Ono has lost her Manhattan legal battle to block the use of John Lennon’s song “Imagine” in a film challenging the theory of evolution.

Lennon’s widow had sued the makers of “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” saying they used parts of the song without her permission.

In a decision Monday, federal Judge Sidney Stein says the filmmakers are protected under the “fair use” doctrine. That permits small parts of a copyrighted work to be used without an author’s permission under certain circumstances.

The movie opened on U.S. screens in April; it’s set for release in Canada on Friday and on DVD in October.

It presents a sympathetic view of intelligent design, the theory that the universe is too complex to be explained by evolution alone.

Ono’s attorney did not immediately return a call for comment.

More Arrogance From The “Scientific” Establishment

Here’s an interesting quote.

“It’s (EXPELLED) going to appeal strongly to the religious, the paranoid, the conspiracy theorists, and the ignorant –– which means they’re going to draw in about 90% of the American market.”
-Atheist blogger and fabulist PZ Myers, on a film he (had) not yet seen.

So, P.Z. Myers, one of the country’s alleged leaders in science, thinks that 90% of you are “religious” (like it’s supposed to be an insult to be religious…), paranoid, a conspiracy theorist, or ignorant.

P.Z. Meyers thinks 90% of us are stupid, and he thinks he is smarter than 90% of you.

How very tolerant of him. Certainly the epitome of religious neutrality.

This only illustrates how arrogant the people who have been deciding what is in your child’s science curriculum can be. And he’s not the only one who feels this way. You only have to go to the main page of the NCSE (National Center for Science Education) to see the fervor with which the NCSE not only try to defend their stance on Darwinian evolutionary theory, but how they fairly froth at the mouth to discredit any other position to the point of excluding any debate on the subject. Period. One would think they had actually proven that life had come from nothing and that there was, in fact, no God. This they have not proven – not even close.

Whether they like it or not, the monopoly on scientific commentary is now being opened up to some pretty serious competition (although they would beg to differ), which in my opinion only causes quality to go up. It will perhaps open up areas of research that have been cut off due to the prejudicial scientific funding process and rules, and it will force scientists who manipulate data to fit their philosophical (humanistic) worldview to be more honest in their assessments and perhaps make their headlines less propagandistic in nature.

The “scientific bigwigs” must learn that just because they keep repeating the same thing over and over again, it doesn’t make it true.

The Great and Powerful Evolutionists – Expelled, The Movie.

By The Reformed Faith Weblog Administrator

While many detractors believe this movie is an attempt to prove Intelligent Design, in reality it is mainly about academic freedom and the monopoly that humanist/evolutionist philosophers have had for so many years and will do anything to maintain. I mean, if you were getting (all the billions of dollars in) scientific grant money given out every year to research facilities and that money was gotten with the assumption you must continue maintaining that Darwinian Evolution is the only way life could have “evolved” on earth (or else look like a theorist – GASP! The Horror!), wouldn’t you defend your job, even if it meant lying or trying to “scientifically discredit” a film that threatened your monopoly before the film was ever even released into the theater?

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last few years… (how long has it been since they’ve “proven beyond a shadow of a doubt” that Richard Dawkins uncle was actually a monkey?)… the state of our culture is reflective of the humanistic belief that morals are an invention of man, and not instituted by a sovereign and almighty God… and so everyone does what is right in their own eyes.

Ben Stein obviously is a firm believer that our schools system should be teaching children HOW to think instead of WHAT to think. In Expelled, Ben simply pulls back the curtain to show the world that the wizard is simply a desperate old codger who stands to lose the satisfaction of having a fearful and trembling public stand in awe of him – the public that he has been duping for so many years as he shouts imperiously, “I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ!”

I submit that the “first cause” of the demise of the evolutionary monopoly is… this great and powerful film. Way to go, Ben!

Related articles and links of interest:

Expelled The Movie Comes Out Friday, April 18th, 2008!

Expelled, The Playground – View Trailers and other fascinating phenomena.

R.C. Sproul Interviews Ben Stein

‘Expelled’ Producers Deny Deceiving Scientists to Appear in Film

Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed… Watch the NEW Super Trailer

If this doesn’t intrigue you to go see Ben Stein’s new movie, Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed, out this Friday, April 18th, I don’t know what will… the new (and very funny) super trailer is available to watch HERE AT THE EXPELLED PLAYGROUND. Be sure to check out the other great features… I especially love the Darwinian Sock Hop…

Expell Those Myths About “Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed”

Before it has even been released into theaters, gossip and myths abound about the new (and soon to be blockbuster) film Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed. This is understandable, since it truly takes on the monopolistic and unyieldingly closed-minded Darwinian evolutionist camp to task, exposing their true agenda… saving their own hind parts.

One of my previous posts, Expelled – No Intelligence Allowed – Supertrailer, received a couple of comments from someone posing (I think) as an expert on the subject. These guys must be really SCOURING the internet to try and refute the films findings and make people lose interest in the film before the fact, but they appear to use very few of those… facts, I mean. The furor within this scientific sect and the hostility they have shown toward this film is just one more incident in a long list of incidents surrounding their attempt to protect their status quo… It only exposes and magnifies their desperation in my humble estimation.

Check out this excerpt from a recent article from Breakpoint, Chuck Colson’s web ministry.

Myths about Expelled
Don’t Believe Everything You Hear
By Chuck Colson
April 11, 2008

If you have heard of the new documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, opening April 18, chances are you have heard all kinds of distortions and myths about it. So let me set the record straight about some of the most common myths.

Myth #1: Darwinists interviewed for this film were tricked into participating.

Not so…

Feel free to go over there and read the rest of the article and be sure to check out the references and their links at the bottom of the article yourself. Go ahead… I’ll wait.

Other Reformed Faith Posts of Note on this subject:
Atheism’s Aggressive Political Agenda
The Threat of Creation

Social Activist Star Parker on the State of Society Today (Or: Stuff Most White People Think About But Don’t Really Understand)

(by The Administrator)

When Roosevelt’s administration instituted the “New Deal” in the 1930’s, the government brought much needed relief to a multitude of Americans in poverty. Many of the New Deal’s programs were abolished in the late 1940’s, save for a few of what would become some of our largest government programs, including Social Security. When LBJ’s administration expanded on Roosevelt’s ideals and created “The Great Society” they thought that by providing for people in need through the government they would be helping to lift people out of poverty and give them hope.

They were wrong. All they succeeded in doing was to become a competitor with the church and socially active charitable institutions, but of course being the government and not wanting to establish a state sponsored religion, they took God and his standards completely out of the picture.

Now with such a large portion of our tax dollars going to welfare, and the decline in morals due to such a large portion of the population relying on the government instead of trusting in God to supply their needs, we see the inevitable moral decay of all of society… not just in “the ghetto”…

Star Parker (CURE: Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education) suggests (and I agree) that the welfare state has promoted (however unintentionally) the moral decay in society and points out that at the time the government was beginning to build “The Great Society”, one out of every four African-American babies was born out of wedlock. Today it is three out of four. But when you look into “white society”, the trend is beginning to mimic those statistics… now one out of four white babies are born out of wedlock… and other statistics indicate that the number may be growing. And taking into consideration the statistic that approximately half of all marriages now end in divorce, those households of divorce with children in them adds to the amount of already existing single-parent households. “70% of the kids in our justice system come from single-headed households,” Parker states, “it has nothing to do with their economic state, and/or their… their ethnicity. It’s their moral framework…”

In this recent interview with James Robison of Life Today, Parker discusses these and related issues in her book “White Ghetto: How Middle Class America Reflects Inner-City Decay”. The interview is done over a two-day period, and each episode is about 30 minutes long. I encourage you to watch them here:

Star Parker on Life Today: Episode 1
Star Parker on Life Today: Episode 2
Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education

I feel that though “The Great Society” philosophy may have had some real positive impact on society, such as with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and The Voting Right Act of 1965 and other programs like them designed to bring equity to people of all ethnic and social backgrounds, a great number of the social programs have succeeded in enslaving the populace into supplying the nanny state with ever-increasing funding to promote its secular/socialist agenda.

I would contend that if government, which funds “charities” that actively promote immoral ideals and push for the passage of laws that contribute to the decline of society and it’s moral foundations (such as Planned Parenthood, NEA, and the ACLU), would give back the freedom of speech to the religious charities they also fund so that they can openly share the love of Christ without fear of not just persecution, but prosecution, we may be able to see a decline in the decay of society in our lifetime.

A few links that fall within the scope of these issues that may be worthy of study:

The New Deal

The Great Society

Graham Wallas, Author of “The Great Society” (1914)

The Fabian Society – A British Socialist Movement (See Graham Wallas, Author of “The Great Society” (1914))

As you will read in the above article, “The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of Social democracy via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary means.” This society is still in existence today, and has influenced the careers of such people as former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair and current U.K.P.M. Gordon Brown. Tony Blair concluded (while dealing with changes to the Clause IV of the party’s constitution, which was formally adopted in 1995) that the Labour Party, of which he is a member, is classified as a socialist party, not a social democratic party. He still prefers to refer to himself as a “social democrat” in public… I guess it just sounds better.

Socialism Defined

Speechless: Silencing the Christians
(May require a sign up to this series of view videos – but they are well worth it.)

Related Articles on Reformed Faith:
State of California Forces Educational Indoctrination.

Atheism’s Aggressive Political Agenda
NEA and California Law.